If you don't like my attitude, quit talking to me.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This post is dedicated to a college suitemate of mine who willingly admits to reading my blog in her Christmas card, but refuses to acknowledge me in public. So, to the person who taught me everything I know about bargain shopping, this one's for you. :)

What could be better than Christmas itself, but the day after Christmas shopping and B&B Works semi-annual sale? There is nothing like the feeling of finding better deals than Black Friday has to offer. Every year after a long string of family Christmas celebrations, including a late "Christmas Day Night" family get together, this chic rolls out of bed at 5:45 A.M., stops at Starbucks to get her favorite beverage, and hits the stores of her choice. Although I abhor conversation in the morning, I practically scare the Starbuck's server before giving me my drink as I excitedly clap my hands together and announce that I am going shopping. (Like he really cares, but since he still was in a good Christmas spirit, he acted like he did.) :)

In the process, there is complete joy in the anticipation of what I'm going to find and for whom I will be able to cross off my "list of gifts" that I need to purchase throughout the year. Not to mention, the satisfaction of knowing those persons will be getting a lot nicer present than I would typically be able afford solely because I'm taking the time to bargain hunt.

The key to being successful at after Christmas shopping is to be selective in your purchases. Even though 50% off seems like a great deal, tis not always the case and one learns that certain items will still be there when the store goes to 75% off, 90% if you're around a Target, you lucky ducks! There are a couple of standards that I keep myself to and for those of you who have some suggestions that you've kept as a "rule" for yourself, please share!!!! The first one is to keep on open mindset. When I began this venture in my life, I would worry more about "crossing off my list" than finding the right gift. This one standard has turned what used to be a "stressor" into now, a wonderful "surprise factor". I have fun in looking and sorting through lots average stuff to locate the one item that reminds me of a relative or friend in my life. My mental point of view is if I bump into something, great. If I don't, then I'm not going to buy just for the sake of getting a discount. The second rule of thumb is to never pass up something that you're going to regret later. If I'm debating about an item and waiting until the additional discount, I play hypothetical and ask myself, would I buy this if the store didn't offer a bigger percentage? That question confirms my decision for me every time.

Why do all this? The obvious answer, budget. However, this kind of shopping is fun. For those of you who are avid yard salers and "authentic" coupon shoppers, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. There is the "real world" of shopping and then there is the "coupon/bargain world" of shopping. (Reminds one of real world and blog world, doesn't it?) Well, I can only tell you that this kind of habit saves my family thousands each year. Not to mention, I always adjust my "show schedule" for the year by the number of items that are left to purchase on my gift list. Did I happen to mention that I also picked a few exotic, new scarves? :) You'll have to be sure to catch a performance. I won't be out and about so much this year, I had a very profitable experience.

Yes, it is the most wonderful time of the year. It can be for you too: it's time to get out of the real world and into the coupon/bargain world!

P.S. Yes, Anon switched to Beta.


  • At 12:41 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    Cool Sis

    You're going to love your birthday gift. If you don't like it, can I please have it? :)

  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    Why don't you just go ahead and give it to me now, then if I want to keep it, you can go get you
    one. :)

  • At 10:21 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    Funny, funny.

    Question for all the beta people out there. Pics are not showing up on my screen with comments now since I switched over.

    Is anyone out there having that same problem? Is there anyway to contact Blogger?

  • At 10:23 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    Okay, okay....

    I just answered my own question. You have to say "yes" to the nonsecure items instead of "no".

    Great, this new beta thing is going to be Hackersville, USA.


  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    Cool Sis

    Unbelievable.....getting the house back in order and what do I run into? Your birthday gift that I purchased for you for your last birthday, but it didn't come in on time. What to do? It looks like you're holding out for Christmas for the particular gift that I'm so pumped about.

    You're still going to like your birthday gift. :)

  • At 11:39 AM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    Here's a "novel" thought Anon - - - since you BOUGHT both of them as birthday presents, and since you are such a skilled bargain shopper - - - why not give her BOTH of them for THIS birthday.

    "Double the pleasure, double the fun - - - give two birthday presents instead of just one."

    Blatant plagerism from an old TV commercial.

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    In a way, she will. Paid full price for the item that was in storage. Now, she will get a double bonus for Christmas. I am doubling the pleasure; it'll just have to wait until December. :)

  • At 2:32 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Okay, sounds like my birthday presents have issues. My birthday present from this past year (July 2006) didn't come in on time, so then you gave it to me a couple months later (coasters with pictures.) Now I find out that my original birthday present also didn't come in on time, so both the original and backup were late. I'm glad you already have my birthday gift in hand for this year - it will definitely be on time!

  • At 3:16 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    Now, now, now.....I had the coasters, but couldn't get my picture program to work the way I wanted, therefore, I waited until I had use of my mother's program.


  • At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I too went shopping for great deals, but did not venture outside of the Christmas sections. I have a slight addiction for wrapping paper. My husband was not proud of my purchases!

    Favorit cousin

  • At 11:34 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    My former professional neighbor who now resides in WI. Somehow I lost your website link when I switched to Beta and I can't find you even through that school link where I found you before. :(

    Help please.

    Is there anyway to contact the former 5th grade teacher we both know and love through blogging? (aka M.A.)

  • At 6:58 PM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    Does your former neighbor live in either Madison or Eau Claire, WI????

    Cause I've had visitors from each of those places TODAY on my blog. :-)

  • At 7:13 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    Yes! But is there a website link listed for you? I couldn't find her link even on my site meter.

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    I'm not sure who she is - - - - what "name" did you give her on your links?

  • At 11:00 PM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    Of course, you do realize I'm FROM Wisconsin - - - - so whomever has checked my blog from there may not be your friend at all - - - though I'm not sure who it would be otherwise.
    I have a cousin in Madison - - - I have an Aunt in Eau Claire - - - but as far as I know, neither of them checks my blog.

  • At 11:58 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    That's just my problem Funny Lady. I can't add her to my links because I don't have her URL which means I can't change my template.

    Didn't know you were from Wisconsin. Hey, you learn something new every day. :)

  • At 12:08 AM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    LOL - - - I'm SHOCKED you didn't know - - - people tell me I talk about it too much. Greg and I go there on vacation every summer. We stay one or two nights in Eau Claire, then we head on up to the Hayward area for two weeks. Check out my July archives.

  • At 12:17 AM, Blogger Anon said…

    Well, now that you mentioned it, I do remember you saying that you got a t-shirt from there. I guess I just didn't pull it all together. (The reason why you liked Wisconsin so much.)

    .....makes sense.

  • At 4:56 PM, Blogger Kelley said…

    I'm jealous of your bargain shopping. I will need to save enough money this year so that I can shop in November and then again after Christmas. I know that once you do it once, you're on the right cycle, but I never have any money for bargain shopping. Sounds like I'm missing out though. Glad you switched over, but Beta is now gone, it's just the new and improved blogger. That's probably why things are working so much better now.

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    Lifelong Friend

    You and me next Dec.26th, it'll be fun!!!!!!

    Got some earrings for Christmas.....you're going to have to go with me when I do this thing. :)

  • At 6:06 PM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    Anon - - - if you don't LOWER that veil just a little, your earrings wil NEVER show. ;-)

  • At 6:10 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    I'll just show you a close up of one of my ears.


  • At 11:55 PM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    Great idea!!

  • At 11:08 PM, Blogger Terhune Family said…

    I've decided that we should just open presents on Dec. 27 and do all of our shopping for the year on Dec. 26 - or buy gifts in the wrong size and then have to exchange them and get a refund for the difference in price!

  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger Terhune Family said…

    BTW My birthday is in April, which is well before Deb's birthday. I'll solve the problem and you can just give one to me :) Have you checked out StoryBook yet??

  • At 3:34 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    Sounds like you could be changing your Christmas traditions for next year. :)

    I'll let you and Cool Sis arm wrestle for it. :)

    I think I'm going to try the Story Book for 2007. Hopefully, CM will evolve with their process on the digital pics. For now, I've got to get caught up from 2000 with atleast one of my kids. I haven't loaded the stuff to my computer, but I'm looking at going that direction. I just hope I can work out the memorabilia part of what I typically put in the albums.

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Anon said…


    Who do we appreciate?

    Anon, Anon,

    Yeah for even numbers!

    (You all didn't know I was a cheerleader, did ya?) :)

  • At 6:20 PM, Blogger Joel said…

    Odd numbers are so much better than even ones, dear Anon.

    (It's Miss Etiquette's brother, since you don't have a fancy nickname for me.)

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    The only reason I don't have a fancy name is because you're not an official link of mine. But since you have left a comment, I will now surely come up with something. :) As poetic and linguistically sound as you are, it will be tough, though. I'm afraid I probably won't do you any justice, but I'll think of something.

    Glad to know you're alive and kicking out there. We miss seeing you around here. Although I'm glad you've come to your senses and reaped the benefits of being a Buckeye. I always knew I liked ya. :)

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    Oh yeah, baby, I've even gone into the archives.

  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger Anon said…



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