If you don't like my attitude, quit talking to me.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Stand Up and Cheer

My petpeeve: poorly written music (I'm not referring to genre here. I don't care what style you write.....whatever it is, just write it well, please.)

Guess what? There's a ton of it out there. (including the obssession of P&W writing, people should be arrested for some of the lack of depth they put into that kind of writing, 80% makes me want to hurl) My occupation kind of forces me to keep up in the music world. I feel that I'm better at my profession if I stay current. I listen to music continually. This past month, I've had more than my personal liking of music listening because I'm arranging my own programs, again. I told myself that I wasn't going to do that anymore. (time consuming) I purchased some ready-to-go programs and ended up chucking them. I get so sick of the uncreative junk out there. So, I'm spending my time editing and arranging my own programs because I couldn't give into the crap.

Why am I saying all of this? Because there's hope people. I'm putting my personal compliments on these two albums. Mark Schultz: Broken and Beautiful, Skillet: Comotose

Schultz is so lyrically sound. His story telling is simply wonderful and unpredictable.
With the amount of music I listen to, it takes "something" to touch me. Mark is the one artist that I have cried on every one of his albums. I don't even care for his voice that much. (If you've ever been to one of his concerts, you'll know what I'm talking about. Vocalists kind of cringe to watch.) But, his writing is something to applaud and he understands how to write real love songs. Wow, good stuff. For all you country fans out there, his "She Was Watching" will make you a Mark Schultz fan yet. I was a mess by the end of listening to his album even with the little country ballad feel towards the end of his album.

For all of you rock fans out there: DO NOT DELAY ANY LONGER. Go and get your copy of Comotose. You put it in your stereo and you want to stand up and cheer. Talk about inspiration. The instrumentation is unbelievable and lyrics are well written. This group is incredible. They hit the stage and you can just sense that you're in for a treat. The best keeps getting better. Their album will not disappoint you.

How can one tell your standing and cheering for the sake of music? You're in your mid-thirties, driving a minivan, windows down, music blasting, throwing up your rock fist and it's cold outside. (That's kind of a scary visual, isn't it?) :) Some of you will understand what I'm talking about. The rest of you will think I'm a freak. Maybe I should change my name from Anon to Freakizoid.

Wow, I think my body has almost reached room temperature again. That was a chilly ride home.


  • At 2:08 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    Cool Sis

    When are we going to schedule our next get away to see them again? I'm going to scope out the options. I just hope it includes funnel cakes again. :)

    If you're lucky, maybe I'll let you listen to my album. :)

  • At 3:14 PM, Blogger Toevs said…

    "She Was Watching" is the very song that made me a Mark Schultz fan. Great stuff!

    I don't have a minivan, I have to rock in my Jeep... but the mid-thirties, window down, etc... yea, I do that. Scary isn't it?

  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger Deb said…

    Jason and I were having a conversation the other night about how different we would live our lives if we were single, and one of my "activities" would be to go to more concerts - more specifically Skillet or festivals like the one we went to. You gotta think they will be touring with the new album out - Ohio maybe? Between you and I, we have a few family members there :) Let's do it!!!

  • At 8:40 PM, Blogger Keri said…


    I also do my rocking out in a Jeep so please add me to that Freakizoid list!!!

    Here's something silly...I found an old DC Talk song that I used to love as a teenager and wouldn't ya know I still loved it!

    Remember Carmon????? He was my first concert =)

  • At 9:48 PM, Blogger Jason Grate- Ordinary Extraordinary- Simple Stories of Lessons learned said…

    I'll join the freakazoid club. I find myself conducting to good music as I drive. First-not safe! Second- just adds to my complete venture into dorkdom. I too ADORE Mark Schultz. Discovered him when my cousin was his publicity manager in Nashville some years ago. Live- not great, but I actually didn't cringe! Really great spirit about him,too. Anywho...

  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    I'm so old I listen to people talking on NPR.

  • At 9:03 AM, Blogger Kelley said…

    You make me laugh! I can totally visualize. BTW- This country fan became a Mark Shultz fan a while ago. I need to get this newest CD. See you tomorrow! :)

  • At 4:48 PM, Blogger Jeannie said…

    hello you....didn't you grow up in the great western ohio district once upon a time????

  • At 5:51 PM, Blogger Keetha Broyles said…

    Oh Jeannie - - - she's ANON now - - - she won't tell you where she grew up!!!! She'll only tell you where to find the best belly-dancing place in town. Hehehehehehehe

  • At 10:05 PM, Blogger Anon said…

    Now Jeannie....

    Don't blow my cover here.

    These people from my history can do some serious blackmailing.

    Good to see and hear from you. You look great!!!!!

  • At 9:46 PM, Blogger Jeannie said…

    sorry, girl. your secret is safe with me.
    p.s. GO BUCKEYES

  • At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    After reading your blog I went out and bought the Mark Schultz CD. (I didn't realize he had a new one out.) I didn't think I was a very sappy person but cried through 3 of the songs on my way to the grocery store. I agree totally, he will probably lose his voice in the next 5 years, but his stories are great!!!!


    Favorite cousin!

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Deb said…

    I think we are going out this weekend.

  • At 1:30 PM, Blogger Anon said…



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