If you don't like my attitude, quit talking to me.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

It's "Snow" Wonder I'm Happy

I love snow!!!!! I was feeling somewhat depressed with the lack of cold weather and snow in my part of the world. The small dusting of snow on Christmas Day did nothing for me. When some snow turned up a few weeks ago, I was overjoyed. My kids looked out the window and said, "Finally." Then, they put on their snow gear and out they went. But this week, I couldn't be happier. Snow everywhere and an excuse to wear my favorite "git-up". Sipping hot chocolate, watching my kids make snow angels, cooking new recipes, getting caught up on some miscellaneous chores, family bonding time and making ice cream out of snow; life is sweet.
Since I love snow so much, here's the ever-so-multifunctioning, versatile word, snow.
(Why? Because this is what people with my level of intellect do in their spare time when they're bored.)
1. Hey, don't I "snow" you from somewhere?
2. Guess what? I can dribble a basketball while balancing a book on my head at the same time. "Snow" way. :)
3. A favorite song of mine: Getting to "Snow " You
4. Snow happens.
5. I had some Quaker "Snow"ts for breakfast.
6. Classic Movie Line: "Snow me the money!"
7. Great Name for a Girl: "Snow"phia
8. All in favor, say I. All oppose, say...."snow"?
9. (One step for the process of solving an exponential equation is to take the logs of both sides and then divide.) "Snow" what.
10. Sheryl "Snow".....didn't she write a song called Soak Up the Sun?
11. There's "Snow" business like show business.
12. A phrase often heard from people who care for young children, "Quit picking your 'snows'!"

Wasn't that enlightening? :) You all try not to catch a bad case of cabin fever out there. Before I go, I just can't pass up the opportunity. Give me five, up high, down low, you're too.......SNOW! hahahahahahahahaha
That was "snow" funny. Get it? :)